Tuesday, May 13, 2014



Welcome to the family! Congratulations on making the decision to start the journey towards your dreams. You are now an entrepreneur, and have joined the likes of Sir Richard Branson, Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg. Here is a quote from Mr. Facebook himself, ‘the biggest risk is not taking any risk… In a world that is changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.” As an entrepreneur the world is yours for the taking!!! You are now aligned with a Multi-Billion dollar industry. In fact, Affiliate marketing does over 168 BILLION dollars a year in global sales. Vemma in particular, last year alone paid out more than 100 MILLION DOLLARS to people just like you. Your commitment to learning and teaching the following 8 steps will directly dictate how much of that payout YOU will earn this year. quote-step1 How big would you dream if you knew you couldn’t fail? What motivates you? What gets you excited? What price are you willing to pay to achieve more than you ever have? What is your “WHY”? We want you to reflect on the dreams you once had as a child. How big were those dreams? What were your desires? In life, most people need and look for a vehicle to get them from point A to point B. In business you need a vehicle that can get you to your dreams. We have great news; your vehicle has finally arrived. #Vemma #YPR

vision board 3

#Vemma is the vehicle that can take you where you want to go.
Research shows that, people who write their dreams down and review them regularly have a 95% greater chance of achieving their desired goals. Studies have also shown that only 3-5% of people in the world have written down what they actually want. Once you understand this, you will realize there is no coincidence that only 3% of the world controls 97% of the worlds wealth! Now write down your dreams in vivid detail, so that you may begin to visualize what you truly want! Your dreams will fuel your desire, motivation, and efforts as you launch and grow your #Vemma business.


One must develop a professional attitude and a sincere level of integrity in building this business. The winning mindset requires a sense of tunnel vision and extreme focus on your goals and dreams. The newest #YPR affiliate must realize that they control their destiny in this business. The business will not be built for you; it will be built WITH you.
In life, you can’t always control what happens to you, but you can always control how you react to it. Jim Rohn says,  “all of us are in a little sailboat and its not the blowing of the wind that determines your destination, it’s the set of the sail.” Your attitude is your sail and it determines where you end up! Building your Vemma business is fundamentally straightforward, however it is emotionally difficult.
Building your Vemma business is not easy. However, it is very simple.  It is simple because there is already a proven method for success, which you are reading right now, but it’s not easy because you must have the mental toughness to keep faith even when things don’t exactly go the way you expect them to.  As you get more and more familiar with Vemma, you will find that even the top income earners face challenges too.
They have all experienced setbacks and disappointments. The only difference between them and everyone else is that they didn’t let it get them down.  As cliché’ as it sounds, when the going gets tough, the tough get going! Just remember, EVERY AMBASSADOR, ONCE STARTED AS AN AFFILIATE WHO REFUSED TO QUIT.
How do you develop a winning attitude you may ask? You do it by persistently reading personal development books and surrounding yourself with positive people! Commit to your goals by following these Success principles:
Stay plugged in: Imagine your #Vemma business as a cell phone. If you don’t plug in your cell phone and charge it, what happens? It dies! Commit and realize that LEADERS stay plugged into all calls, LEADERS attend all events, and LEADERS are in constant contact with their teams!
Stay Consistent In: Your schedule, what you do daily needs to be in harmony with your goals! Most YPRs want to go Elite/100k in a year, and they want success right away. You should too, but be aware if this is your goal, be prepared to back it up with consistent effort. You can do it; it’s easy.  But what’s easy to do is easy not to do as well. Ask Tom Alkazin, Vemma’s #1 income earner why he is where he is and he will reply, “I have been incredibly consistent.” Our habits, whether good or bad, are in fact incredibly consistent. Stick to habits of success, until success sticks to you.
Introduce a new person to the product or opportunity, listen to conference calls, go to meetings, or watch some YouTube videos to get more familiar with the product and opportunity! If you commit to daily action, you will be amazed by the compound effect it will have on your life over time!


Creating a list will be your most valuable asset in building your Vemma business.  It is the foundation to achieving your desires and goals. The bigger your list; the bigger your business. You will quickly learn to separate your emotions in dealing with friends and the fact that this is business. Remember that we are professional sorters, NOT convincers. We need everybody but we never need one person in particular. Some will, some wont, so what! Who’s next? Someone is waiting to hear about our opportunity!
Make your list as comprehensive as possible. Include every person you can think of. EVERY person. DO NOT judge a book by its cover. You never know how bad someone wants it. Just because someone works minimum wage doesn’t mean they don’t dream of more. What if your enroller judged you? Your opinion of someone else is irrelevant! Timing is everything in business, find out who’s ready and get to work! If you discovered a gold mine with an unlimited supply, whom would you tell first?
High school friends, people you played sports with. People that are looking to get healthy. People that you know need some
Financial help, need money, looking for new opportunities. We should build a list of at least 100 or more.


When leading with the Vemma product, the objective is to find a need. People are searching for wellness from a health standpoint. They are looking for more energy, healthy weight loss, and an overall way to feel better on a daily basis. Many #YPR affiliates have led parents to the Vemma formula, seeing unbelievable health benefits, and as the result of that we have produced a huge customer base.
We have been able to achieve this success by utilizing several different approaches.
1) Asking Simple Questions: “Miss Johnson, if there was a natural way to help you with health symptoms you may be dealing with, what would you say?”
“What are you doing to supplement your diet”? I have to tell you about an amazing nutritional discovery called, Vemma (the most complete liquid nutritional program that you can find anywhere!)
2) Utilizing The Tools:





Let’s not kid ourselves; the poor economy has affected everyone, including young adults. Faced with skyrocketing college tuition, overwhelming student loans, and a tough and very competitive job market, Vemma provides an alternative that is taking college campuses by storm. Fox News Channel reports: One in two graduates are jobless or underemployed. This means that many young adults are considering other options when it comes to employment and generating income — whether their goal is to pay off student debt, move out of their parents’ homes, quit the 9-to-5 grind, get away from waiting tables, or be their own boss. Many of them, already consumers of energy drinks, are excited about the possibility of not only enjoying an energy drink that is actually healthy, with credibility but also getting paid to share it with others. For these young adults, Verve is a no-brainer. It’s a risk-free way to start your own business, soar ahead of your classmates, and have the opportunity to create a residual income or a fortune? We saw Social Network and what that story became; don’t miss being in the right place at the right time! What’s your #YPR story?


CBS News
Yahoo Financial
Huffington Post


Goal setting is a skill and habit that all successful people have mastered. Goals are a form of motivation that sets the standard for self-satisfaction with performance. Achieving the goal one has set for oneself is a measure of success, and being able to meet business challenges is a way one measures success in business. Put another way, we set daily/weekly goals in order to make forward progress towards our big dreams.
Here are a few tips for effective goal setting:
  1. Goals must be written down. Pen to Pad, the visual is important.
  2. Goals must be specific.
  3. Goals must be measurable.
  4. Goals must have a deadline. “A goal without a deadline is a wish.”
  5. Goals should be reviewed frequently to track progress.
For the newest #YPR affiliates we have created a “first 30 days”
Worksheet for you to follow. Make sure to council with your upline success coach for clarity.
Implement the new 2014 goal setting PDF and the new 30 days to success PDF. We need to explain the importance of goals and deadlines and how they work uniquely together.


If you evaluate any successful person in life, you will find that they all have mentors. This is true of athletes, musicians, scholars and those that succeed in the world of business and networking. Mentors have a keen ability to add insight and expertise on topics that may seem new to you.
That’s what mentors give: a different perspective. And that’s why everyone needs a mentor. It’s not just young people, and it’s not just established people who benefit from different ideas; we just read more about them because they’re more likely to seek out people with experience.
And that’s what mentors are, people with experience. Ideally, they have experience in your industry. If not, they may also have the knowledge of how to run or scale a business, or how to take products to market. They may teach you to read a cash flow statement, or how to decide whether to incorporate and what kind of corporation to form. They can also help you strategize and mobilize.
Your active upline success coach and will help you determine how often you should sit down to review your business plan and evaluate your progress. Remember, your upline coaches have a vested interest in your success, so respect their time and advice.


Don’t over complicate things. Get up and get out there building your business. Fail faster, and get really good at sharing your Vemma story! Work on being consistent everyday in your Vemma business.

1. Consistency allows you to measure your progress.

2. Consistency creates accountability.

3. Consistency establishes your reputation.

4.Consistency makes you relevant.

5. Consistency maintains your message.

If you treat the business like a hobby, it will pay you like a hobby. But if you invest in yourself by staying plugged in and connected with your upline success coaches you will start to see progress in your business. Almost all of the learning in affiliate marketing is in the doing. Become a professional in everything you do and embrace the idea in which; how you do anything, is how you do everything. If you want learn how to talk to people on the phone, then talk to more people on the phone. If you want to learn how to throw successful home events, then do more home events. Practice makes permanent and it will certainly help you excel in your business.
Here is a good concept to keep you focused and on track to reach your goals. Choose any skill you want to develop in your #Vemma business and implement the following.

1)   Make a plan.

2)   Work your plan.

3)   Set a deadline to the goals within your plan

4)   Review your results, good or bad, to see how you can do better moving forward.

5)   Repeat the same steps over again, until you reach your desired goals!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Oakley presenta las Carbon Blade Scuderia Ferrari

La colección inspirada por la escuderia italiana de Fórmula 1 y marca el inicio de una alianza innovadora.

Oakley presenta las Carbon Blade Scuderia Ferrari

Con motivo del Gran Premio de España de Fórmula 1, Oakley presentó oficialmente las Carbon Blade Scuderia Ferrari, fruto de la alianza que ha iniciado con la escudería italiana. El ex campeón del mundo de F1, finlandés Kimi Räikkönen, y los pilotos probadores Marc Gené y Pedro Martínez De la Rosa fueron los encargados de desvelar estas espectaculares gafas, diseñadas bajo la inspiración de Ferrari.

Las gafas están fabricadas con fibra de carbono, el mismo material que se usa en muchos componentes de la Fórmula 1, por lo que son tremendamente ligeras y resistentes. Los técnicos de Oakley incluso han tenido en cuenta cómo funcionan determinadas partes del monoplaza, desde la forma del chasis y la silueta que inspiran el diseño de las monturas hasta la relación entre la mecánica de la suspensión y los mecanismos de las bisagras de Oakley.
La edición limitada de las Carbon Blade encabezan la colección Scuderia Ferrari. Cada modelo presenta matices de color en el rojo de la escudería Ferrari e incluye el emblema de la escudería grabado a láser en la esquina de las lentes. El embalaje y el estuche, ambos personalizados, hacen de cada edición un objeto de coleccionista.

"La fibra de carbono es fundamental en los procesos de ingeniería de la escudería Ferrari, y queríamos reflejar esa pasión por la excelencia y esa innovación puntera en las Carbon Blade. La fibra de carbono ya se había usado antes en gafas, pero nunca como ahora. En lugar de recortar trozos a partir de placas rígidas y planas, hemos modelado las capas de carbón en una estructura de montura flexible, creando una solución de alta ingeniería", explicó Ryan Calilung, ingeniero de diseño de Oakley.

En las lentes puede notarse la pasión Ferrari. Andrea Perrone, director ejecutivo de marca de Ferrari. "Cuando buscamos un nuevo socio, buscamos que compartan nuestra visión y nuestros valores. La innovación, la pasión y el compromiso con los resultados están en la base de todo lo que hace Ferrari. Oakley representa esos valores, ya que que hace de la innovación y la tecnología el motor de su éxito", dijo Andrea Perrone, director ejecutivo para la marca Ferrari.

La hamburguesa para tus músculos

Disfruta de un toque agridulce con esta 'superhamburguesa' asiática que te aportará todo lo que tu cuerpo necesita

La hamburguesa para tus músculos


  • ½ pepino inglés (sin semillas), cortado en rodajas muy finas.
  • Un chorrito de vinagre de arroz.
  • Una pizca de sal (para el pepino), más una cucharadita extra.
  • 500g de carne picada de cerdo.
  • 2 dientes de ajo picados.
  • Una cucharada de jengibre picado.
  • cebolletas en láminas finas.
  • Dos cucharadas de mahonesa light.
  • Una cucharada de salsa sriracha (salsa picante asiática).
  • panecillos con semillas de sésamo, ligeramente tostados.
  • 4 cucharadas de salsa hoisin.


Minutos 0-3
Precalienta la parrilla o la sartén. Mezcla el pepino, el vinagre y la sal en un recipiente y reserva.
Minutos 4-9
En un recipiente, mezcla la carne picada, el ajo, el jengibre, las cebolletas, junto con una cucharadita de sal. Divide la mezcla en cuatro bolas, forma hamburguesas del mismo tamaño y estampa el pulgar en el centro de cada una para crear un cráter.
Minutos 10-22
Pon las hamburguesas en la parrilla unos cinco minutos por cada lado hasta que estén doradas por fuera y firmes al tacto. Combinar la mahonesa y la sriracha; extender la mezcla en la mitad inferior del panecillo y la salsa hoisin en la otra mitad. Colocar las rodajas de pepino encima de la hamburguesa.

Valor nutritivo

500 calorías, 24g de proteína34g de hidratos de carbono2g. de fibra29g de grasa1.050mg. de sodio.

Consejo extra

Si no eres muy aficionado a la salsa hoisin, prueba otro condimento de la cocina asiática para darle a la hamburguesa ese toque exótico. Apuesta por la salsa teriyaki, la tonkatsu , la salsa tailandesa de cacahuete o la de ajo con guindilla.

Vegetarian Diet Delivery

¿Dieta tras el embarazo?

Los kilos ganados tras el embarazo son una preocupación para aquellas mujeres que están decididas a cuidar su salud. El sobrepeso continuado tras un parto aumenta los riesgos de desarrollar problemas cardiovasculares ydiabetes. Si estás embarazada o acabas de tener un niño es necesario que sepas cual es el momento adecuado para recuperar tu dieta y rutina física. Te enseñamos cuándo y cómo debes hacerlo.
embarazoLas revistas y la televisión nos muestran a muchas famosas que tras haber pasado por el embarazo han recuperado rápidamente su figura. Recuperar el peso anterior al embarazo es una cuestión de salud, como es conocido el sobrepeso aumenta los riesgos de problemas coronarios y de diabetes, pero los investigadores creen que no es necesaria una dieta de choque inmediatamente después del parto. Los médicos creen que la mujer tiene un año de margen tras el parto para recuperar su peso ideal, de no hacerlo puede desarrollar los problemas propios de cualquier otra persona que tenga exceso de kilos.
Los expertos consideran que durante la gestación es normal que se aumente en hasta 10 kilos el peso de la mujer, lo importante es adaptar la dieta para que este aumento sea gradual, siendo normalmente más rápido durante el primer trimestre de gestación. Es mentira que la tras el embarazo la mujer no pueda recuperar su figura, pero debemos hacerlo en el momento adecuado sin obsesionarnos. Durante la gestación y la lactancia es recomendable una dieta rica en calorías que unida al desarrollo del feto comporta un aumento naturaldel peso de la mujer. La embarazada debe tener suficientes energías para soportar el embarazo y mantener el feto, por lo que no es recomendablerealizar dietas durante este periodo hasta que el recién nacido abandone la toma de leche materna. Se recomienda también que durante la gestación se tome leche desnatada y durante la lactancia leche entera que contiene más proteínas.
Diet Delivery Plan Comparison Chart
En ningún caso debemos comenzar una dieta durante los cuarenta díasposteriores al parto. La mujer recupera de forma natural su figura y en todo caso podemos realizar cambios temporales en la dieta y el ejercicio físico hasta volver a la normalidad. Caminar o reducir la ingesta deben ser suficientes para volver al estado anterior al embarazo. Es importante que después del parto la mujer recupere su peso en el plazo de un año, de no ser así y de quedarse de nuevo embarazada aumentaran los riesgos para la salud.
Todas estas recomendaciones han sido publicadas en la revista médica Diabetes Care y han sido experimentadas en 305 mujeres a las cuales se les hizo un seguimiento durante la gestación y el año posterior. Sólo una cuarta parte de las mujeres no consiguió recuperar su peso y experimentó un aumento de riesgo de diabetes y complicaciones cardiovasculares. Por tanto recuerda que no hay que obsesionarse con el peso y que tu salud es también la del niño. Es conveniente que durante un tiempo te olvides de las dietas pero sin realizar excesos ni cambiar tus hábitos saludables, ¡piensa que pronto recuperarás tu figura!.